MQTT Keep alive and client takeover
Keep alive ensures that the connection between the broker and the client is always open and that the broker and the client is aware […]
Keep alive ensures that the connection between the broker and the client is always open and that the broker and the client is aware […]
Last will and testament feature enables you to do error detection for mqtt clients. So, basically you get a notification […]
A retained message is a last known good value persisted by the broker for a topic so this means the last message which was sent by any […]
A persistent session the broker remembers the client. So, if you go offline for any reason the broker remembers your state […]
The guarantees for sending and receiving messages between these participants and MQTT knows three different quality of service levels […]
MQTT topics are very lightweight and dynamic. So, an MQTT is quite different from other protocol messaging systems […]
The client will establish a TCP connection to the broker. The MQTT client-broker connection is always between a client and a broker […]
The MQTT publish-subscribe pattern is something MQTT uses and implements. It is the foundational choice of communication for MQTT implements […]
MQTT is an internet of things messaging protocol, it is built upon TCP/IP, it has minimal overhead, it’s simple and it’s designed for reliable communication over unreliable channels […]
MQTT is a client-server/publish-subscribe messaging transport protocol. It is lightweight, open, simple, and designed and easy to implement these characteristics […]
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